24 Şubat 2011 Perşembe

●► Blue Grotto Cave

The Blue Grotto is one of the biggest draws on the island of Capri. It is a surreal experience. The peculiar iridescence of the water bathes the interior of the grotto with a serene light that is similar in color to a sapphire blue topaz. The Blue Grotto is 4 miles long and almost 2 miles wide with the highest point at 1,930 feet above sea level.

The Grotta Azzurra (Blue Grotto) is one of the most famous caves of the world, and the reason for its fame is the blue light shining through the salt water of the Mediterranean Sea and filling the cave with blue reflections. But thats only part of the explanation, this cave has been described and painted uncountable times. The fame started as early as So the cave is called Grotta Azzurra which means Blue Grotto. Once Grotta Azzurra was called Gradola by the locals after the nearby landing place of Gradola.

The Blue Grotto is one of the major draws on the island of Capri. It is an unreal experience. The strange iridescence of the water bathes the center of the grotto with a peaceful light that is similar in color to a sapphire blue topaz.

The sun rises in the east and sets in the west. Since the Blue Grotto is located on the north-western corner of the island, the finest time to stay there is in the afternoon when sunlight shines straight on the water outside the cave. We were told that the best shadow occurs when the seas are faintly rough.

From the main Blue Grotto cave, called the blue cathedral, lengthen many passages that guide to slighter chambers and other subversive ravines. The water has an interested affect on anything underwater. Due to the blush and extreme blue filter, anything submerge in the waters of the Blue Grotto emerges to be silver in color.

In ancient times, the waters of the Blue Grotto were thought to have spiritual powers that integrated curing and extending early life. The earliest Romans may have used the grotto as a nympheum.

The water is totally bright blue. The blue is made from the light entering the cave dazzling off the cave walls onto the water with the white sandy bottom. I still don’t understand how its so blue.But astonishing none the less.

Blue Grotto Cave In Italy is the important seascape. Blue Grotto is a sea cave on the coast of the island of Capri in Italy.It has a partially submerged opening into the sea, as do other grottoes into the island.Roman emperors with villas on Capri reportedly used the Blue Grotto as a private bath. In modern times, it has become a popular tourist attraction with visitors touring it by boat.

All the boats travelling to The Blue Grotto enter under an immense arch into a 140ft high cave cut into the rock face. The system consists of six caves carved by years of relentless pounding by the sea, of which the Blue Grotto is the largest and most impressive. The water seems an impossible cobalt colour as the sky reflects off the white sand bottom. The caves sparkle both with blue reflections of the sea and orange, purple and green of the various minerals present in the rocks.

5 Şubat 2011 Cumartesi